
Anime Vocab

History of Pre Dragon Ball

History of Dragon Ball

History of Dragon Ball Z/ Gt


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Dragon Ball GT

Show Listings

Origin of Dragon Ball


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Bad Guys

Every Android but 16 & 18: A Hater of the Earth and wants to destroy everything

Bibidi-Babidi: People who control Majin Buu

Cell: Android who has the greatest fighters cells to create one monster

Frieza: A monster from space that killed all the Saiyans

Garlic Jr.: A small person who can live forever

Ginyu Force: A bunch of hench men who are a bunch of losers that Goku killed most of them

Majin Buu: A creature made by Bibidi to distroy everything and he got restored by Babidi.

Raditz: Goku's older brother.

Zabon: Frieza's henchman

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